Archives: Knowledge Base


Vim is a feature-rich and configurable text editor. Vim is an enhanced version of the

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Tqdm is a Python-based package for adding progress bars in various contexts, including loops and functions.

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Scrapy is an open-source Python-based web crawling platform that allows users to extract data from websites.

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SciPy is an open-source Python package used for scientific and engineering computing.

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PySpark is a Python library that provides an interface to Apache Spark, a powerful computing framework for processing large-scale data.

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Pyenv is a simple Python version management tool that allows users to install multiple Python versions.

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Plotly provides various chart types, including line charts, scatter plots, bar charts, pie charts, histograms, and more.

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Pip Package Manager

With pip, users can easily install, upgrade, remove packages, and manage dependencies, making it a valuable tool for Devs and data scientists.

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Pandas is a Python-created software library that assists in data analysis and manipulation.

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NumPy is a Python library that supports huge, multi-dimensional arrays and matrices and high-level mathematical functions that operate on these arrays.

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With Matplotlib, users can customize and control every plot aspect, including the colors, markers, labels, and legends.

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