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Vim is a feature-rich and configurable text editor. Vim is an enhanced version of the classic UNIX editor Vi. This editor is ideal for editing plain text files and programs. All commands are typed on a standard keyboard. The user can also utilize the mouse and assign function keys to commands.

Project Background

  • Project: Vim
  • Author: Bram Moolenar
  • Initial Release: 1991
  • Type: Text Editor
  • License: Vim
  • Contains: gVim,VimL, and Vim macros
  • Language:  Vim script, C
  • GitHub: vim/vim with 24.9k stars and 60 contributors
  • Runs On:Unix, Linux, Windows NT, MS-DOS, macOS, iOS, Android, Haiku, AmigaOS, MorphOS
  • Twitter: /vimlinks


  • Editing files remotely
  • Commands for control flow and function definitions
  • Control and flexibility in a text editing environment
  • Multimode editing 
  • Completion, comparison, and merging of files 
  • Recover files after a crash 
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